Brochures, like pamphlets and other releases, are written for people who already have an interest in the subject. Brochure and pamphlet writing, then, should take care to provide the information sought as clearly and comprehensively as possible. 




Below is a the opening section of a brochure Robert wrote for a major New York City hospital:

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As we age, signs of memory loss can raise concerns.  Is it normal?  Will it get worse?  Are there ways to stop or treat it?  Will the personality be affected?  What care might be required?  Where can we get answers?

People react in different ways to memory loss.  Some get very practical: what exactly can I do?  Others want to wait a while and see how things progress.  Some assume they know already why the lapses happen.  And still others choose to ignore or make excuses for it, or deny it’s even happening.  All these ways of coping have their reasons and their purpose.  But symptoms sometimes reach a point when the sufferer, family member or friend desire professional help.  Where are they to go?

A primary care physician can appraise the symptoms, rule out some physical causes and make referrals to a psychiatrist or neurologist.  A psychiatrist can diagnose and treat conditions such as depression, which can affect memory and other mental functions.  A neurologist can recommend tests to assess any damage to the nervous system.

But general practitioners and specialists can’t always do enough to satisfy the complex demands of memory or mental decline.  Some doctors, unfortunately, say the patient “is just getting old, nothing can be done,” and make no further referral.  And specialists may deal with some but not all aspects of the problem, and lack an ongoing availability.  A memory disorder center, however, can fully address all concerns of memory loss, providing the most up-to-date diagnosis and treatment available, in a reliable, ongoing way–with full confidentiality.  There are currently over thirty such federally designated centers in the U.S.


To get in touch with Robert for a free consult: contact.
